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Anthony Roberts
Keep me in heavy prayer
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Suzanne Torres
Pray all curses against me and my son is ended now. Please pray for my son to lose weight safely and healing from past hurts. Thank you.
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Brian Sperling
Please pray for the Lord to return my dog back home. He got out and I believe that someone grabbed him. I don't want to sin against the Lord by being anxious and troubled. Please pray that I will have a correct Christian attitude concerning this matter. I would love to have my dog back home. His name is Shiloh. Thank you. Brian Sperling.
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Please pray that God intervenes and prevents Hamilton from moving out on Saturday as he has rented an apartment for him so he can have “independence”. Please pray the Holy Spirit touches him and speaks to him to not leave me and to love me as Jesus loves his bride
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Holly Doslop
Please pray for Vita, she fell and broke her arm, she is in pain and needs Gods healing!!! Thank you, she did request me to let Pastor know this.
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Phil Chavez
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon.,I've been praying for a life partner for 29 years...In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen
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My knees hurt when getting out of a chair, car, or positioned for to long! An increase of finances, work as he sees fitted! Thank you!
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I need employment, my husband to find me. I am fighting a very strong loneliness, that I believe is killing me! I am not eating appropriately, do not have children and most people my age are very, very, busy! I am thinking of relocating from Yonkers to Yorktown or Mahopac. I am working with a tax relief organization for my i.r.s.debts! Can take advice if available!
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Katherine Lockhart
Prayers for my husband Marcell Porter. He's in Rockland Psychiatric. That he'll get the right help to get better& make it on his own. He's not been safe for me to be with, but still praying God's best for him until he is well enough to be with one day. Waiting for God's perfect will& timing on everything. He makes all things beautiful in His time.??????
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Katherine(katie) Lockhart
Prayers for my husband Marcell Porter. He's in Rockland Psychiatric. That he'll get the right help to get better& make it on his own. He's not been safe for me to be with, but still praying God's best for him until he is well enough to be with one day. Waiting for God's perfect will& timing on everything. He makes all things beautiful in His time.
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Aracelia Cancel
I request pray for my son Dominic who has been baptize and is backsliding away from the Lord as well as his girlfriend Nicole who he shares my 9 month old grand daughter Maia with. I also pray for my husband Jason’s health, he has an another growth of potential oral cancer which he has fought with in the past. Love you all, God bless!!
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